What You Can Learn From How Enneagram Type 6 Navigate Conflict in The Workplace

Photo by Christina Morillo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-gray-blazer-writing-on-dry-erase-board-1181534/

Enneagram type 6 are the true loyalists. They seek security and are committed and hard working. Type 6’s are known to hang on to beliefs and relationships longer than anyone else. They are known to be troubleshooters and can predict problems way before they become problems.

Enneagram six struggles with anxiety and in order to move forward in the world they seek social support. This can be through a system or organization or through personal relationships. What type six most longs for is security.

Because of these tendencies, type sixes will be the most dedicated people. They will go to bat for those who they feel are in their tribe or family. They are definitely good people to have on your team as they will go the extra mile because of their loyalty.

How Enneagram 6 Navigates Conflict in the Workplace:

Type 6 handles conflict by questioning the other person’s intentions. They also tend to not trust others. In the heat of conflict, Enneagram 6 can be very emotional when feeling attacked or insulted. 

At the same time type 6 gives voice to the potential risks involved and this can help others foresee potential problems with a proposed solution. They also can ask tough questions due to their need for security and to eliminate any threats or anxieties. 

One of the ways Enneagram 6’s can mitigate the negative side of their approach to navigating conflict is to seek clarity. Seeking clarity about others’ intentions and opinions can help to stop unwarranted and uninformed rejection and attacks on solutions and proposals to resolve conflict. It can also keep unnecessary conflict from happening at all.

What can we learn from the way type 6 handles conflict?

Enneagram Type 6’s workplace conflict approach offers good lessons for all types. The ability to ask tough questions is helpful when deciding on a way forward. There is also great value in voicing out anxieties and being transparent. Before distrusting others opinions it is helpful to clarify before tearing them down. Type 6 shows us how to navigate our anxieties when resolving conflict in the workplace.