What Can You Learn From How Enneagram Type 2 Navigates Conflict In The Workplace

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

How Enneagram Type 2 Experiences Conflict 

Enneagram 2’s are often ambitious, sensitive, and compassionate. This personality type is focused on being loved and accepted. Enneagram type 2’s make themselves available to help others and are often empathetic, warm, and inviting.

Usually, this comes out as paying special attention to the needs of others. People with Enneagram type 2 personality traits are often seen as hard workers, but they can struggle with their relationships at work.

Often ambitious, sensitive, and compassionate. They seek approval from others and like to be needed by others. This often leads them to take on too many responsibilities. People with this personality type fear unappreciated and unfulfilling lives, as well as the inability to take care of others. They also fear distancing themselves from those who they often take care of. People with this personality type handle their emotions by trying to gain praise from those around them.

People with this personality type approach conflict by sympathizing with the person they are fighting with and trying to find a way to make them feel better. In other words, their adult temper tantrum is to try to meet the needs of the person they are in conflict with and often this doesn’t solve the actual conflict. They can also resort to trying to fix the other person, rather than the conflict.

How Enneagram Type 2 Navigates Conflict in the Workplace

In the workplace, this could mean buying donuts for everyone instead of dealing with the problem between two team members. It could also mean avoiding confronting a worker who is consistently in violation of team or company standards. Instead, type 2 will often make up excuses for the person and in their attempt to sympathize not address the inappropriate behavior.

Enneagram type 2’s are the peacemakers which is a good trait but there is a downside to this. They are stress-reactive and don’t deal with conflict very well. They become withdrawn, quiet, and shut down. Type 2’s will ignore the problem and hope that it goes away.

How can Enneagram type 2 can better navigate conflict in the workplace

Enneagram Type 2s have a tendency to worry about what other people think of them. This is why they’re so sensitive to conflict and criticism. Because type 2s tend to be conflict-averse, that’s why it’s important for them to learn how to deal with conflict. 

If you’re the type of person who avoids conflict and drama at all costs, you need to learn how to stand up for yourself when necessary. This is especially important in the workplace because the more you stand up for yourself the better off the team will be. When someone is a pushover it leads to chaos and even more conflict. 

If you identify with these type 2 tendencies here are a few things you can do to improve how you handle conflict. Here are five tips for type 2's to deal with conflict in the workplace:

1. Don’t take people’s criticism personally

If you’re a type 2 it’s important to realize criticism from others sometimes has nothing to do with you. When other people criticize you it’s usually a reflection of their own insecurities. Emphasize this to yourself when people criticize you.

2. Don’t let it get to you

Don’t let it get to you or become defensive. It’s never worth getting into a fight with someone over criticism that's not worth fighting over.

3. Keep your voice calm

When someone criticizes you try to keep things calm. As a type 2, it can be easy to get frustrated and react impulsively if someone is criticizing you. Make sure you keep your voice calm.

4. Don’t always say you’re sorry

If you've done something wrong it's good to apologize. But remember to be careful with how often you apologize because people will start to take advantage.

5. Understand that conflict is inevitable

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. It's important to understand that conflict will happen on occasion — even in the best of relationships. Properly addressing conflict and learning from it, however, is not only possible but also necessary for healthy relationships.

There is so much gold in learning from the Enneagram Type 2’s temper tantrums in the workplace. These five tips are not only good for Enneagram type 2’s but wise words to heed for any of the types as we work on navigating conflict in a healthy way.