What You Can Learn From How Enneagram Type 3 Navigates Conflict in The Workplace

Photo by Royal Anwar: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-blue-blazer-and-white-dress-shirt-leaning-on-white-wall-450212/

The Enneagram Type 3 is the achiever who appears to have it all together. Type 3’s are very aware of social protocol. They are usually well-dressed and charismatic. They are known for making a good first impression.

Their performance and achievements are looked at with admiration and it may also motivate others to follow suit. Achievers are prone to have really busy schedules filled with meetings and personal interactions. They are known for making good first impressions.

Most type 3’s will be the stars of the workplace. They will be some of the first to earn promotions or raises. They also will be the ones most likely to rise to executive leadership.

When it comes to conflict type 3’s are all about feeling competent. They want to be recognized as being efficient and getting the job done. They will be sensitive to their image and how they are viewed during the conflict. 

How Enneagram 3 Navigates Conflict in the Workplace:

With a tendency to focus on the matter at hand and the goal to be achieved, Enneagram 3’s viewpoint is helpful. Their focus on getting the job done can help add clarity to a specific issue. They are also flexible and able to adjust in order to provide a solution.

The problem comes when the conflict makes them look bad. The Enneagram 3 will not be as sensitive to the emotions of others. This comes out, especially when their image is on the line and a particular goal will not be achieved.

This can result in cutting remarks, and arguments, and doing whatever it takes in order for their solution to be accepted. This can even veer into the realm of the unethical.

Enneagram Type 3’s have a tendency to be overly concerned about their image. They also tend to get bogged down in the minute details and do not take the personal feelings of others into account. This can result in long discussions and narrow solutions.

As an Enneagram 3, it is helpful to allow others to give you the bigger picture. It is also helpful to think about how your decisions and solutions impact others. It’s helpful to disentangle the project or conflict from how it will impact your image and how others view you.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-a-coat-sitting-inside-a-car-5717582/

What can we learn from the way type 3 handles conflict?

If you identify with these type 3 tendencies here are a few things you can do to improve how you handle conflict. Here are five tips for type 3's to deal with conflict in the workplace:

  1. Don’t stuff your feelings

    If the conflict impacts you personally then share this upfront and don’t repress how you feel. Let people know what this means for you

  2. Understand the bigger picture

    This conflict is about more than your image or the goal right in front of you. It’s helpful to get acquainted or reacquainted with the larger context. This will help you not get bogged down with the minute details and drag out interactions.

  3. Think about others

    It’s helpful to think about how your point of view or solution will impact others. Remember you are not the only person in the world and your goals are not the only goals for your company or organization.

    Enneagram Type 3’s approach to conflict in the workplace offers good lessons for all types. It’s possible for us to take on the negative outlook and behaviors of type 3s in times of stress and conflict. We also can add the healthy approaches of type 3 to our inventory of conflict management.